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Staying Present with Social Media

Reaching for our phones or checking our iWatch too many times throughout the day has become all too common. Many of us even ignore those phone alerts that tell us our usage has increased to 6-7 hours per day, or more!

According to Pew researching, 56% of social media users experience the fear of missing out, leading to increased anxiety and stress levels as people feel compelled to constantly check their feeds to stay connected.

Even though we are plugged in digitally, the constant need to check and see what the outside world is doing and thinking on social media is disconnecting us from ourselves and our own needs. It is crucial to establish and maintain healthy boundaries to ensure a positive online experience. Here are some points to consider:

Time Management

Setting limits on daily social media usage can prevent mindless scrolling that can lead to wasted hours. Instead, designate special periods for social media engagement during the day. This way, you're balanced and intentional with your online presence.

Watch Posts

Before sharing content, consider how it might impact your life professionally and personally. Also, make sure you're only following content and friends that are supportive and share your values. Do some work on curating the content you see and post so that you create a healthy online haven.

Healthy Comparison

Social media often breeds a culture of comparison. Establish boundaries by avoiding excessive comparison with others and recognizing that curated online personas may not reflect reality. Focus on self-improvement rather than unrealistic standards.

Regular Reflection

Occasionally reflect on your social media habits and assess their impact on your mental and emotional well-being. Adjust boundaries as needed to ensure a healthy relationship with these platforms.

Get Mindful and Join Our Group!

Our practice will be launching a mindfulness group. Mindfulness has been clinically proven to reduce stress and anxiety. It will also help you connect to yourself on a deeper level, so you can drown out the noise of social media. Find out more about your group forming in the next couple of weeks and contact us if you would like to sign up.

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